Tuesday, September 24, 2024

12 Cheating things I wish I knew at twenties

12 Cheating things I wish I knew at twenties

Here are 12 codes that I should have known in my 20s. This code is the code of life, how to live practically and live effectively whatever our life path is, let's see the following:

1. Nature is the greatest mentor

Get away and escape to a National Park every 6 weeks reconnect with yourself. Nature is part of our everyday life, embrace and create a life with nature.


2. Run in the morning

Improve your mood and come up with your best ideas. Win the morning means win the day. Run in the morning also boost your immune, and make your body fresh.


3. Learn storytelling early

Sale = storytelling

Hiring = storytelling

Marketing = storytelling


4. Build your network

Create a personal brand of advisors. Have a strategy, finance & growth mentor.


5. optimize your health 

Eat healthy, run, lift & meditate. Express gratitude. Show genuine appreciation.


6. Exectute 80/20

Focus on the 20% of things that will give you the 80% of the benefits & results.


7. Write daily

Write breeck clarity

SEO = writing

Reflection = writing


8. Embrace "loneliness"

2 time per month do something alone. Get to know yourselft. Love Yourself


9.implement the 5 second rule

when you know you need to do something get it done in 5 seconds. Start and complete it


10. Work like a lion

Relax, Sprint, Rest, Repeat

11. Join a mastermind

The fastest way to grow is to surround yourself with people 2 steps ahead of you.


12. Prioritize mental health

Be obsessed with learning. No screen before bed. Don't drink 

Thank you

12 Cheating things I wish I knew at twenties
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