Saturday, January 31, 2015

9 Easy And Powerfull Tips On Starting Your First Blog

9 Easy And Powerfull Tips On Starting Your First Blog

Since I wrote in a blog last 3 years, precisely was started in 2012. I realized that there are many interesting things in writing, we can learn How to make article become something interest to our blog visitors, sure enough it's really challenging. Besides that we also have to learn how to find a nice and useful topic to be written in the page, and there are so many experience we can get by blogging.

Having a blog means we have page on internet ocean alive, blog page is our battle area, which mean we do war there, attract people attention by do good on our article. We win if people come to your blog regularly and they come with pleasure, but we lose if we can’t show something to the visitor then our blog become uninhabited region. So, a blogger must win the battle, otherwise don't worry extra income will follow you.

Okay then, before go to the next level of blogging, I think we should understand our first step that is How to begin blog or How to start a new blog well. We must know where to start? What to do ? and another beginner questions that still float in our mind.

Here are 9 (nine) tips and powerful suggestion for beginner in blogging area:

1. Decide and Specify The Topic You Want To Convey

When writing in clear direction every obstacle will become easier to face, because the topic will not interfere with other topic. Your blog should mirror your passion and knowledge on the subject. Simply, you must understand and master your topic first publish it on the internet.

2. Choose Your Blog Url Carefully And Stick To It

You identify your blog only by your url, when you create an url no way back to change it anymore, because you have to stick to it, if not you will be try again to build a new blog just like a new blog, do writing again, promoting again, SEO again and other things you already have done to it. So, do not ever change your blog url, then choose carefully before you decide one url.

3. Posting High Quality Of The Content Is Your Key

Make and write an article sometimes take much time to produce the good one, if you have an idea, directly convert it into your blog article before you lose that idea. Because blogging is creativity area, so you must learn how to make a good quality content. Posting content consistently keeps more - engaged with reader and make them come back for more. That is rule number one to make your blogging time become success.

4. Investing Some Time Learning Web Technologies

Update your web technologies regularly make some progress to understand the tech. This is technical knowledge is required. Understanding Javascript, HTML, CSS and so on means you are a serious blogger. You are the expert.

5. Marketing Your Blog Regularly

When you have done writing an article, publish it into the ocean of information on internet. If you understand how big your blog on the ocean of the information, you must be doing marketing, promote the blog to other people, make a noisy progress. Social media, blog commenting, guest article is some of the good marketing choice.

6. Do Research, Observation, Conclusion And Writing

Before you click the New Post button and doing writing, you must understand the article clearly. Understand it by doing research, read others people blog, read other resources, took something from it. Make observations to it, is that topic a hot topic and many people will need it, or is that topic become new branded information to other. Make a conclusion, and collect some data, trying to do it seriously, people will see your effort from the quality of your post. This step is a very powerful step, It involves a lot of hard work, patience, persistence to repeat reading and smoothing the quality, extracting and formulate all into one article. That's become filled with lots of experience and challenges, are you ready for that?

7. You will have the Days with Erratic Emotions

Become a blogger must be ready to face the uncertain emotions. What do the point I want to say? The point is that there will be days when you already make so many efforts, do many things, and it takes a lot of time to accomplish the article but the result is no body commenting and interest with it. But there will be days where you will write one liner and the whole world talking about it. Sometimes you will have days with lack of idea, and you will be banging your head against the wall wandering what to post about and then there will be days you will have so many idea and don’t know where to start. Simply I want to say is Enjoy your blogging time!

8. Writing a High Quality of Content Took Times

Don’t ever expect easy way in blogging, high quality content is not easy to set up, for beginner even an expert must learn many things to do it, upgrade skills. Make a learning progress, keep learn how to make a nice and good content.

9. Manage your blogging time

Do not use all of your time just doing blogging, do other activity, like exercise, watching movie, quality time with family, music time, playing time, swimming time. May be with those activity you will find new idea.

Hopefully this article can be useful to you.

9 Easy And Powerfull Tips On Starting Your First Blog
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